Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
What a pleasant surprise this years Christmas Season has brought. SNOW! We've lived here for 4 years now, and this is the first year that were actually going to have a WHITE Christmas in Seattle! The people are seriously crazy. Did you know that if you need the momentum in order to be able to pull out, you can go ahead and run that stop sign and pull out into oncoming traffic, because even tho its too slippery for YOU to go, I'LL be able to STOP on black ice.... GENIUS people we have living here, let me tell you!Daddy decided to not take any leave this time. He needs to go back to Alaska and renew his drivers license and since he gets a half day today (or was suppose to anyways) and tomorrow off, we decided that we'd just save up his time. So today, we delivered some goodies, daddy took some to the shop and then we took a box to our leasing office. Eli had so much fun helping decorate our carmel corn holders. Now, daddy is off escorting some trouble maker to a court hearing, Ayden is taking a much needed afternoon nap, Eli is cuddled up on the couch watching "COPS" with very heavy eyes, and Mama SHOULD be doing her hair and make up, but instead Im on the computer being irritated because of a very rude response to a craigslist posting i received, and continually checking the status of the drums that we ordered 3 weeks ago, that should have been here over a week ago, but because of the weather, have been on hold in the oregon ups warehouse place for 3 days! The website says it should be here today... man i hope it is, Eli is going to LOVE his drum set.... I guess if it doesn't come, it will be here by his birthday... Good thing he was late!Our plans for tonight... I can't decide what to make for dinner... Either Chili bread or Calzone, but either way, we'll eat an early dinner, let the boys open up their presents- 2 each, one of them is their matching jammies that they'll wear to bed tonight and then open their presents in them in the morning. I love our matching jammie tradition. :) Their other present is the gift that the command gave us, Eli gets a remote control CAT tracker and Ayden gets a little people truck. The boys will go to bed, and Daddy and I will stuff stockings, set up the drums (assuming they get here) set up ayden's ball pit, and put all the other presents under the tree. Then daddy and i will curl up, have dessert and watch a movie ( we love netflix)! I am so excited for the boys to open their presents this year! Having kids at Christmas is the best! Merry Christmas ya'll!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
After the fiasco at church last week, Jamie and I made the decision to keep our boys OUT of the nursery... Well, he's gone, and Im not sure what i was thinking braving it ALONE, but i went to church this morning, and needless to say, didn't hear much of the message. We made it thru praise and worship okay, but when Pastor started to talk, the boys thought they needed to talk too.... so we went and sat in the foyer... well tried anyways, and then the boys decided they wanted to play.... so of course i didn't hear much. Good think i can get it from iTunes!!!
PLUS, I was up at 2 this morning, throwing up. LOVELY. fortunatley the boys let me sleep in until 9 this morning, then i made them breakfast, laid on the couch and mustered up enough energy to make it to church. I've just laid around most of the afternoon, and the boys were very good for me. Now Ayden is sleeping :) he has decided he is a big boy now and goes to sleep with NO crying! AWESOME. and we've learned a trick to get eli to bed too. He isn't allowed to have a sippy cup ALL day, just his big boy cup. Its cut down on accidents AND gives him reason to get in bed! GO MOM! Now im going to lay on the couch and veg for the rest of the night, and hope that we do NO more throwing up......
Oh, and i finally got a tree yesterday... pictures to come!
PLUS, I was up at 2 this morning, throwing up. LOVELY. fortunatley the boys let me sleep in until 9 this morning, then i made them breakfast, laid on the couch and mustered up enough energy to make it to church. I've just laid around most of the afternoon, and the boys were very good for me. Now Ayden is sleeping :) he has decided he is a big boy now and goes to sleep with NO crying! AWESOME. and we've learned a trick to get eli to bed too. He isn't allowed to have a sippy cup ALL day, just his big boy cup. Its cut down on accidents AND gives him reason to get in bed! GO MOM! Now im going to lay on the couch and veg for the rest of the night, and hope that we do NO more throwing up......
Oh, and i finally got a tree yesterday... pictures to come!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Is a time for family, friends and good food! While we really don't have any family or friends in the area, we were fortunate enough to have Jamie's aunt and family come to town to visit. They weren't here to see us, but the other side of the family ( of which we've never met). THey invited us to their home for Thanksgiving dinner. While I was a bit apprehensive about the whole thing-being that i do NOT like to be around people that i don't know- i was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't as comfortable as being with immediate family, but they did their best to make us feel at home. We received hugs upon arrival, and when leaving. We had a nice time visiting with family that we haven't seen in years- mainly Jamie and Daren (cousins) since I did get to see Kathy, Emily and Mason just a couple months ago in Colorado. Next year i think we'll be "home" and perhaps be fortunate enough to have our own dinner party, but until then... the above pictures will have to do.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mid Week Monotony
We had Ayden's one year doctors appointment today. He is getting so big! He now weighs 22 pounds (40th percentile), is 30 inches long (60th percentile) and has an 18 inch circumference on that big old head of his :) guess he's gotta have some place to store all those brains! Doctor says he's perfect, and very smart. I already knew he was smart, but it was nice to hear none the less. He has more words than the average 2 year old! Yep, that means he's a full year ahead in his vocal development. We also talked about Eli only going potty if we make him sit every 30minutes. She agrees that it is just because he is 3.... he knows hes suppose to go potty on the big boy potty, but doesn't want to interrupt his play to do it. She said if he was 5 and doing that, then she'd be concerned, but its perfectly normal for a 3 year old. Thats a relief! I was starting to think he was just too stubborn to do it. Nope, just too lazy! I told her about Ayden's interest in the potty, and she thinks we should go for it....Wouldn't that be nice? having BOTH of my boys potty trained in the next couple of months? Now if we could only get thru the nights without any accidents we'd be good! Both boys have appointments in January... That will not be a good day, as they BOTH have shots to get. oh and did i mention that daddy won't be here? NICE! yeah, not so much.... we are not looking forward to that appointment.
Dinner tonight: Chili Bread! mmmm
Looking out the back door: I see frost. Yes, you read right, FROST! The sun is shining and you'd think that its warm out, then you glance at the vehicles and they are all dusting with a nice layer of frost.... so cold....
Today im thankful for: a good nights sleep. Thats two nights in a row that Ayden has let his mama sleep! while he was up at 4 this morning, he just needed his bottle, and a good snuggle, we went back to sleep until 8! YAY!
Plans for today: finishing up laundry, meeting a gal who wants to by my bouncer seat, printing off pictures for the Grandparents calendars, running to the store to grab a bottle of wine to take to Thanksgiving in Poulsbo, finishing making our "wish lists" and looking for a potty chair for Ayden.
Dinner tonight: Chili Bread! mmmm
Looking out the back door: I see frost. Yes, you read right, FROST! The sun is shining and you'd think that its warm out, then you glance at the vehicles and they are all dusting with a nice layer of frost.... so cold....
Today im thankful for: a good nights sleep. Thats two nights in a row that Ayden has let his mama sleep! while he was up at 4 this morning, he just needed his bottle, and a good snuggle, we went back to sleep until 8! YAY!
Plans for today: finishing up laundry, meeting a gal who wants to by my bouncer seat, printing off pictures for the Grandparents calendars, running to the store to grab a bottle of wine to take to Thanksgiving in Poulsbo, finishing making our "wish lists" and looking for a potty chair for Ayden.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Oh me, oh my things are changing fast!
Up until 3 months ago we thought that we would in fact be in the military for life. And we had accepted that fate. Although we have always felt that there was more for us elsewhere, we just didn't know where. Until now. Jamie and I have been praying about what to do, where to go and when to do it all, for the better part of a year. We had "heard" something, but weren't sure if it was because we were being selfish or if it was in fact what we were suppose to be doing. Because of some changes, and our constant meditation on the subject, we now feel that this is what God has planned for us. What is that plan you ask?
I can't tell you that just yet. We have told many people some of our tenative plans and then they fall through for one reason or another and we don't want this to be another one of those things. We are going to keep our mouths shut until we have something more concrete. I will say, that we will be moving from Seattle sometime this summer. By Spring I should be able to tell everyone where we will be going, but for now, we'll just leave it with, its not Seattle :)
With so much changing on the job front, Im grateful that things on the home front have slowed a bit. Were still working on the potty thing with Eli.... For some reason he seems to forget that he needs to go potty on the big boy. I am CONSTANTLY reminding him that its time to try... Thats fine, I have the patience for it, Im just starting to wonder, how long is it going to last? Everytime I say, Eli its time to go potty, Ayden RUNS to the bathroom door. Maybe i should consider potty training him now too? I mean, hey, cleaning up ALL the accidents at once would be better than having to do this all over again in a year and a half right?!?!
Ayden is very vocal now, saying mama, dada, bubba, car, go, this, eat, snack, bye bye, hi, more, milk, cup, down, up, play, ball and UH HUH... hasn't figured out the NO yet, but he repeats EVERYTHING that we say. Hes a little monkey, climbing on EVERYTHING. He's figured out how to get on to our dining room chairs now... Unfortunatly for him, we push them in, so once he gets up, he's stuck. Hes still not sleeping thru the night, and Im at a loss as to what to do. He wants to nurse. And i keep thinking he's too old for that! BUT then i remind myself, that I nursed Eli (comfort nursed) until he was 15 months. Then he decided it slowed him down and he was done. Why does the second child have to be so much harder? J and i joke that if we'd had Ayden first, there wouldn't be a second child yet!
Oops, theres my one year old, stuck behind the sectional again, and the big brother trying (unsuccessfully) to help get him out... These are the days of MY life!
I can't tell you that just yet. We have told many people some of our tenative plans and then they fall through for one reason or another and we don't want this to be another one of those things. We are going to keep our mouths shut until we have something more concrete. I will say, that we will be moving from Seattle sometime this summer. By Spring I should be able to tell everyone where we will be going, but for now, we'll just leave it with, its not Seattle :)
With so much changing on the job front, Im grateful that things on the home front have slowed a bit. Were still working on the potty thing with Eli.... For some reason he seems to forget that he needs to go potty on the big boy. I am CONSTANTLY reminding him that its time to try... Thats fine, I have the patience for it, Im just starting to wonder, how long is it going to last? Everytime I say, Eli its time to go potty, Ayden RUNS to the bathroom door. Maybe i should consider potty training him now too? I mean, hey, cleaning up ALL the accidents at once would be better than having to do this all over again in a year and a half right?!?!
Ayden is very vocal now, saying mama, dada, bubba, car, go, this, eat, snack, bye bye, hi, more, milk, cup, down, up, play, ball and UH HUH... hasn't figured out the NO yet, but he repeats EVERYTHING that we say. Hes a little monkey, climbing on EVERYTHING. He's figured out how to get on to our dining room chairs now... Unfortunatly for him, we push them in, so once he gets up, he's stuck. Hes still not sleeping thru the night, and Im at a loss as to what to do. He wants to nurse. And i keep thinking he's too old for that! BUT then i remind myself, that I nursed Eli (comfort nursed) until he was 15 months. Then he decided it slowed him down and he was done. Why does the second child have to be so much harder? J and i joke that if we'd had Ayden first, there wouldn't be a second child yet!
Oops, theres my one year old, stuck behind the sectional again, and the big brother trying (unsuccessfully) to help get him out... These are the days of MY life!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sleep, sweet sleep.
We have had a very...... interesting Novemeber thus far. Apparently the wee hours of the morning are the best times for 1 year olds to be awake. Ayden has decided that he doesn't need to sleep anymore. He only takes ONE nap a day, and the most it ever is, is maybe 45 minutes. We put him to bed between 8 and 9 and then for some crazy reason he's up somewhere between 1 and 2... Now I'm not talking up as in, he needs a bottle and a diaper change and he goes back to sleep, were talking UP FOR HOURS!!! And the crazy thing is, he doesn't seem tired the next day. Take last night for example.... he got a total of 7 hours of sleep...yet today, he is happy and acting his normal self... I just don't know where he has this energy stored... If i find it, Im going to borrow some because its wearing me out! Tears... I was in tears this morning over it all... When you're overly tired i suppose the tears just come a little easier. Mama always says... This too shall pass. I just need to remember that!
Eli is a great almost 3 year old. Jamie and i are constantly having to remind ourselves that he's ONLY 2. Hes such a great helper that i think we tend to forget, he's really still a LITTLE guy too. Its unreal how fast he's growing. Spelling his name, singing his ABC's, starting to write, he knows his colors, shapes, and even recognizes some letters. Seems like just last week i was helping him get his balance. He's AMAZING with his brother. Yes, they do fight a little, but for the most part, Eli is REALLY patient. At times having the boys so close together is difficult, but man is it worth it!
Jamie and I are doing well. We have many things that we are praying about and contiplating. Seems that we have a clear direction, and now all we need is some follow through. Soon we will know where our next stop in life is, and I am very excited about taking this step in faith. Please continue to pray that we are HEARING Him clearly, and not being clouded by our own selfish desires.
I promise, im going to start doing this Blog thing more, we just got a computer desk last night, so now I can be in the same room with the boys without sitting on the floor while im on the computer! YAY!
Eli is a great almost 3 year old. Jamie and i are constantly having to remind ourselves that he's ONLY 2. Hes such a great helper that i think we tend to forget, he's really still a LITTLE guy too. Its unreal how fast he's growing. Spelling his name, singing his ABC's, starting to write, he knows his colors, shapes, and even recognizes some letters. Seems like just last week i was helping him get his balance. He's AMAZING with his brother. Yes, they do fight a little, but for the most part, Eli is REALLY patient. At times having the boys so close together is difficult, but man is it worth it!
Jamie and I are doing well. We have many things that we are praying about and contiplating. Seems that we have a clear direction, and now all we need is some follow through. Soon we will know where our next stop in life is, and I am very excited about taking this step in faith. Please continue to pray that we are HEARING Him clearly, and not being clouded by our own selfish desires.
I promise, im going to start doing this Blog thing more, we just got a computer desk last night, so now I can be in the same room with the boys without sitting on the floor while im on the computer! YAY!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
And then there was one......

Child in diapers!!! YAY! thats right, our Eli is potty trained!!! He's doing so well. We had a couple accidents today, but they were little ones. He just waited too long to tell me and had a little bit come out before we made it to the potty, but just pee! He's doing SO well! I thought it would be harder than this to do, since we pushed it so hard, and he kind of reverted back after Ayden was born. But i guess its true, if ya wait till THEY'RE ready, then it makes the process much smoother. Now Ayden thinks that he needs to sit on the potty every time his brother does.... Do you think that means he'll not only be an early walker, and talker but also an early big boy pee-er? I hope so, how great would it be to have NO boys in diapers! I won't hold my breathe tho. Nor will i push Ayden as hard as i pushed Eli... I learned my lesson there!
Today was a good day. Got lots of stuff done around the house. Eli and Ayden play so well together. And now daddy is starting to get into the swing of the weekend routines. The boys love to play ball with their daddy. Mama isn't such a fan.... daddy hit the wine rack today and nearly broke the bottle that was on there! The TV is in grave danger i fear...
Plans for tomorrow: Church! and a nap! Ayden had me up at 5:30 this morning, guess he didn't get the memo that on Saturdays mama gets to sleep till 7:30!!!! I think we'll just hang out and do family stuff the rest of the day. I love Sunday's, they're so relaxed.
Dinner tonight: I made Tacos, Spanish corn, and spanish rice. ALL from SCRATCH! i've been on a bit of a baking and cooking spree lately, I made brownies, peanut butter cookies, apple crisp, and cinnamon rolls! Guess im practicing for my Christmas baking :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Why is it than the moments that you just want to take in and enjoy, seem to fly by. October has been like that. We moved into our new home, which we LOVE. Its in a great location, the people are great, the community itself is great, the apartment is perfect, the only issue i've found so far is with spiders.... there was seriously a baby tarantula size black spider IN my house... Eli found him and decided to play with it... Needless to say, the thing RAN across the house, causing mama to jump up on her chair..... I am NOT a baby about bugs, but if you had seen the size of this thing..... you woulda done the same thing... i shoulda taken a picture of it.
My ayden turned one a week ago. Where did the year go? I was just holding him in the hospital and thinking how perfect he was. Now he and his big brother have turned into a troublesome duo..... Some how Ayden can convince his brother to do ANYTHING, yet then Eli gets upset that they are BOTH getting in trouble... Guess a 3 year olds logic is that whoever had the idea should be the one getting in trouble :)
We had a good first year... Talking at 5 months, crawling at 7 months, standing at 8, walking by 10, now he full blown runs! and hes talking CONSTANTLY. Hes much more vocal than his brother was at this age. And never misses an opportunity to voice his discontentment. The way he eats you'd think we never feed the poor child.... And his newest thing.... if you are in the kitchen or by the table, or if you have food he grunts at you until you give him some..... while its incredibly annoying... its also adorable. Seeing how different my boys are is just amazing to me.... they are polar opposites in so many ways, yet so much alike in other ways.
Eli too is growing up so fast. Can you believe he's going to be 3 in just 2 more months? When did that happen!??!?! Hes such a great big brother. He shares very well and is more than patient with his baby broha. He's been working on his potty training again. He has good days and bad... he got sick last night, so today hasn't been one of those GOOD days, but thats okay, it'll happen.... and i think it'll happen fast once he "gets it". He can spell his name, tell me his colors, count to 10, he helps me with house work- never being asked to, he's just a good helper by nature... wonder how long that will last. He's started to write. he knows his animals and their sounds.... and he's repeating EVERYTHING.... Im not sure if thats a blessing or a curse yet :) Certainly makes us all more aware of what we say.... I told jamie to shut up yesterday- jokingly of course, because he was teasing me again- and he comes the shut up police.... MAMA WE DON"T SAY SHUT UP!!!! Guess God gave us children so that we remember that we have someone watching us ALL the time!
My one year old wants to play ball with me, thanks for reading our update! Love and blessings.
My ayden turned one a week ago. Where did the year go? I was just holding him in the hospital and thinking how perfect he was. Now he and his big brother have turned into a troublesome duo..... Some how Ayden can convince his brother to do ANYTHING, yet then Eli gets upset that they are BOTH getting in trouble... Guess a 3 year olds logic is that whoever had the idea should be the one getting in trouble :)
We had a good first year... Talking at 5 months, crawling at 7 months, standing at 8, walking by 10, now he full blown runs! and hes talking CONSTANTLY. Hes much more vocal than his brother was at this age. And never misses an opportunity to voice his discontentment. The way he eats you'd think we never feed the poor child.... And his newest thing.... if you are in the kitchen or by the table, or if you have food he grunts at you until you give him some..... while its incredibly annoying... its also adorable. Seeing how different my boys are is just amazing to me.... they are polar opposites in so many ways, yet so much alike in other ways.
Eli too is growing up so fast. Can you believe he's going to be 3 in just 2 more months? When did that happen!??!?! Hes such a great big brother. He shares very well and is more than patient with his baby broha. He's been working on his potty training again. He has good days and bad... he got sick last night, so today hasn't been one of those GOOD days, but thats okay, it'll happen.... and i think it'll happen fast once he "gets it". He can spell his name, tell me his colors, count to 10, he helps me with house work- never being asked to, he's just a good helper by nature... wonder how long that will last. He's started to write. he knows his animals and their sounds.... and he's repeating EVERYTHING.... Im not sure if thats a blessing or a curse yet :) Certainly makes us all more aware of what we say.... I told jamie to shut up yesterday- jokingly of course, because he was teasing me again- and he comes the shut up police.... MAMA WE DON"T SAY SHUT UP!!!! Guess God gave us children so that we remember that we have someone watching us ALL the time!
My one year old wants to play ball with me, thanks for reading our update! Love and blessings.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The dreaded "to do" list
Why is it that whenever i have a million things to do, my motivation seems to make a new friend and run off and play? I move into my new apartment in 2 weeks, thats right 2 weeks from today... DO you know how much i've packed....uh huh, you guessed it... NOTHING! Good thing i don't have much here!!! I did manage to get rid of SOME of the stuff that i needed to sell, but i still have more than i'd like to admit... Hopefully tomorrow will be a more motivational day.
My to do list:
*pack up all clothes, except a weeks supply
*take the baby stuff to a consignment shop
*get rid of the remaining things listed on CL
*sort the boys toys into what is ours, and what is Gramma's
*figure out how the heck im gonna get all this stuff into my car again
*check on prices for hotels
*check on prices for the moving truck
*spend as much time with family as possible- man am i gonna miss them!
Im sure there are tons more, but those are top priority right now....
Anybody wanna loan me their motivation for a couple days?
My to do list:
*pack up all clothes, except a weeks supply
*take the baby stuff to a consignment shop
*get rid of the remaining things listed on CL
*sort the boys toys into what is ours, and what is Gramma's
*figure out how the heck im gonna get all this stuff into my car again
*check on prices for hotels
*check on prices for the moving truck
*spend as much time with family as possible- man am i gonna miss them!
Im sure there are tons more, but those are top priority right now....
Anybody wanna loan me their motivation for a couple days?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
We have LEASAGE! :)
Whew! What a day. Sometimes i am really guilty of saying "i know that i need to give it to God, but i just cant." its funny how much of a control freak i am. I don't thikn im really that bad, but then situations like the one i was faced with this last week come up and i realize how self dependant i am, rather than God dependant. And i ask myself why. I am working on this on a daily basis and am striving to be more God dependant. Ask me about it next time we talk, it'll put me back in place :)
So, as you know, we were very excited to be moving into The Reserve. Unfortunatly, i was given some bad information, and decided that it was not the place for us. I again went on the search for the place that we should be. Well, i found a GREAT place in Bothell. Its a 3 bedroom, 2 bath- which jamie and i REALLY wanted- and is MUCH bigger than anything that we've lived in before or anything that we had looked at. So i went ahead and found out some information, and did apply for it yesterday morning. This morning i received a call that we got approved and he could even fed ex me the lease so that we could have it off the market! That means, we will have an address this week! Its funny that the ONE apartment i decided i better talk to God about is the one He gave us..... And people deny the power of prayer.....
here is the link the our NEW HOME for those that are interested :) Our floor plan is the MADRONA and we move in on the 27th!
We ran around with Gramma today to get some stuff for the house, then we went to church. Unfortunately, Ayden was not into being without mama tonight, so i ended up having to go get him about 30 minutes into the service. But then i got my BABY fix, since we officially have a toddler on our hands! Ayden is walking around like he's been doing it all his life. He's getting so big! He has a mouth full of teeth, he claps and has a couple of signs, says MAMA, DADA, BUBBA, GO, and VROOM. he LOVES cars :) He and his big brother get along very well. Eli taught him how to get off the couch, and he is very proud of that :) He is just fantastic with him. Patient, and understanding, Eli is my little translater.... he knows what ayden wants just about everytime he whines. Having these boys 22 months apart has been a huge blessing, and i couldn't be happier. God really is Good.
So, as you know, we were very excited to be moving into The Reserve. Unfortunatly, i was given some bad information, and decided that it was not the place for us. I again went on the search for the place that we should be. Well, i found a GREAT place in Bothell. Its a 3 bedroom, 2 bath- which jamie and i REALLY wanted- and is MUCH bigger than anything that we've lived in before or anything that we had looked at. So i went ahead and found out some information, and did apply for it yesterday morning. This morning i received a call that we got approved and he could even fed ex me the lease so that we could have it off the market! That means, we will have an address this week! Its funny that the ONE apartment i decided i better talk to God about is the one He gave us..... And people deny the power of prayer.....
here is the link the our NEW HOME for those that are interested :) Our floor plan is the MADRONA and we move in on the 27th!
We ran around with Gramma today to get some stuff for the house, then we went to church. Unfortunately, Ayden was not into being without mama tonight, so i ended up having to go get him about 30 minutes into the service. But then i got my BABY fix, since we officially have a toddler on our hands! Ayden is walking around like he's been doing it all his life. He's getting so big! He has a mouth full of teeth, he claps and has a couple of signs, says MAMA, DADA, BUBBA, GO, and VROOM. he LOVES cars :) He and his big brother get along very well. Eli taught him how to get off the couch, and he is very proud of that :) He is just fantastic with him. Patient, and understanding, Eli is my little translater.... he knows what ayden wants just about everytime he whines. Having these boys 22 months apart has been a huge blessing, and i couldn't be happier. God really is Good.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Just when i thought it couldn't get worse.....
We had a rough day today. It started off with Ayden deciding he needed to wake me up at 5:30 this morning. He did decide to go back to sleep, but I couldn't go back to sleep, so i just laid there and watched him. Babies are so peaceful when they sleep. He kept dreaming and he was making faces they were SO cute.
So i got up for the day at 7:30, did dishes, laundry, emptied the trash, changed the sheets, i thought i had a rather productive morning. Unfortunately, during all the productivity, i missed a phone call of Jamie. At that point, i should have known the rest of my day was going to go down hill....
Most of you know that I am a part of a pregnancy board. We have become pretty close over the last couple of years, and there were a few events that lead to some hurt feelings, and as a result some people that were upset with me. We seemed to have gotten things resolved, so i took off to go spend some time at my moms. I faxed in the application to The Reserve, she got back to me and told me that we were indeed approved, but then proceeded to tell me that there were some fees i was going to have to pay. Well, if i'd know this BEFORE i sent in the application, I wouldn't have sent it in. These are not only SOME fees they are OUTRAGEOUS fees. So i am again on the hunt for an apartment. I did find one, that i think is even better than the reserve. they're new, they're HUGE, the pricing is better..... now im just praying that we actually get this one, and its not an insane about of move in fees and deposits.
I called my mama and was talking to her about all of this, and i had just gotten finished saying "i don't think my day could get any worse" and eli threw up..... He's not sick, i think he just drank too much too fast because 20 minutes later he was running around like the crazy banchee he is.
There was one good thing that came this evening. I put Ayden to bed with a warm bottle, and he actually went to sleep. Thats right NO NURSING!!! I was SO proud of him. This is the first night he's done this. I wonder how long he'll sleep before he realizes that he needs some mama milk.... Im going to go to bed now, and pray that he sleeps well and that we hear good news about the NEW complex tomorrow... Please say a little prayer for us, I know that whatever HE has for us will be better than anything i would have found without Him. But for some reason, the letting go is REALLY hard right now.... Love ya'll!
So i got up for the day at 7:30, did dishes, laundry, emptied the trash, changed the sheets, i thought i had a rather productive morning. Unfortunately, during all the productivity, i missed a phone call of Jamie. At that point, i should have known the rest of my day was going to go down hill....
Most of you know that I am a part of a pregnancy board. We have become pretty close over the last couple of years, and there were a few events that lead to some hurt feelings, and as a result some people that were upset with me. We seemed to have gotten things resolved, so i took off to go spend some time at my moms. I faxed in the application to The Reserve, she got back to me and told me that we were indeed approved, but then proceeded to tell me that there were some fees i was going to have to pay. Well, if i'd know this BEFORE i sent in the application, I wouldn't have sent it in. These are not only SOME fees they are OUTRAGEOUS fees. So i am again on the hunt for an apartment. I did find one, that i think is even better than the reserve. they're new, they're HUGE, the pricing is better..... now im just praying that we actually get this one, and its not an insane about of move in fees and deposits.
I called my mama and was talking to her about all of this, and i had just gotten finished saying "i don't think my day could get any worse" and eli threw up..... He's not sick, i think he just drank too much too fast because 20 minutes later he was running around like the crazy banchee he is.
There was one good thing that came this evening. I put Ayden to bed with a warm bottle, and he actually went to sleep. Thats right NO NURSING!!! I was SO proud of him. This is the first night he's done this. I wonder how long he'll sleep before he realizes that he needs some mama milk.... Im going to go to bed now, and pray that he sleeps well and that we hear good news about the NEW complex tomorrow... Please say a little prayer for us, I know that whatever HE has for us will be better than anything i would have found without Him. But for some reason, the letting go is REALLY hard right now.... Love ya'll!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
God is SO good!

This was suppose to be posted 3 days ago... my apologies...
What a good day! The boys slept until 8 this morning. Eli and I made eggs for breakfast. Then he insisted that we have yogurt and cinnacin rolls too. I think Ayden ate more than Eli did, but it was so sweet to have Eli helping, he got to "scramble" the eggs.
Then we went to Gramma's house, they are upgrading their house so we got to go to home depot and lowes to get light fixtures and door handles. The boys is SUPER good. They were so patient! Ayden would start to fuss and Eli would sing to him, or be silly, or give him back his binkie, they were just AWESOME!
Then we got the best news of all.... Our DREAM apartment is available and they are willing to hold it for us!!! Im so excited i almost want to leave CO early just so that i can move in!! Now i just need jamie to give me the go ahead and i'll send in our applications and get the process started!We had barbque pork, stuffing, green beans, and biscuits for dinner and it was YUMMO! Then the boys had their bath, mama cleaned up the kitchen and folded laundry again, because the boys decided it would be funny to empty mama's clean and folded laundry out onto the floor and then throw it at each other. I guess that tuckered them out because Ayden didn't fight going to sleep tonight when i put him in bed, and Eli fell asleep on the floor..... It was a nice change from yesterday. Now im going to bed and looking forward to what God has in store for us for the month of September!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hospitals, Hospitals, Hospitals!
WHEW! What a day we had! I had scheduled an appointment to meet with a birth control councelor to start some birth control before Jamie comes home. So my appointment was at 9:30 this morning. Nothing big, just got some counseling, was told that I wasn't having a period because im pregnant- did you know that you can get pregnant with out actually having your husband home to MAKE you that way?? Needless to say, she didn't believe that i haven't had a period since march of 2005, and said that if im not having a cyle now its because im pregnant. So she ordered me to take a pregnancy test. Hey good news guys- IM NOT PREGNANT!!! which of course, we all already knew but apparently i look like the type to cheat on my husband so i had to PROVE it to the nurse practioner... That erked me a little. So i sat around for like 30 minutes waiting on the stupid results from my pregnancy test, then another 20 minutes to get my RX from the pharmacy. Well, we got it finally, i was on my way...
I get back to my moms house, change Eli's diaper and his poor little butt is bleeding. He has had some issues for the last 4 days, and it caused a rash, but last night it started to bleed. I thought if i put neosporin on him, it would heal it right up. I was wrong. So after calming Eli down, and having his clean diaper on him, i called the doctor to see if i could have him seen today. The pediatrics had no openings today, but acute care did, so we went ahead and took him in there. The doctor said that it was a good thing I brought him today. He thought yesterday they probably would have said yeah, its a diaper rash, put some desitin on it, and keep him dry. And if i'd waited till tomorrow, he probably would have been blistering, so today was the best timing we could have had. Doctor gave us some hydrocortozone cream and said to keep using powder to keep him really dry. He hasn't complained about it at all tonight! I know the cream was suppose to numb him but MAN that stuff works!!!! Hopefully tonight he'll actually get a full nights rest! Poor baby certainly needs it!
I get back to my moms house, change Eli's diaper and his poor little butt is bleeding. He has had some issues for the last 4 days, and it caused a rash, but last night it started to bleed. I thought if i put neosporin on him, it would heal it right up. I was wrong. So after calming Eli down, and having his clean diaper on him, i called the doctor to see if i could have him seen today. The pediatrics had no openings today, but acute care did, so we went ahead and took him in there. The doctor said that it was a good thing I brought him today. He thought yesterday they probably would have said yeah, its a diaper rash, put some desitin on it, and keep him dry. And if i'd waited till tomorrow, he probably would have been blistering, so today was the best timing we could have had. Doctor gave us some hydrocortozone cream and said to keep using powder to keep him really dry. He hasn't complained about it at all tonight! I know the cream was suppose to numb him but MAN that stuff works!!!! Hopefully tonight he'll actually get a full nights rest! Poor baby certainly needs it!
Monday, August 25, 2008
As we get closer and closer to the return of Jamie, I get more and more excited. Yet, i still manage to find time to stress. I have a million things to get done before he comes home, not only am i moving back to seattle, signing a new lease, moving all our stuff OUT of storage and INTO a new apartment, but im doing it with 2 kids. I still have to get my hair cut and colored, have a spa day so my nails, toes and face are all perty for when he comes home.... then of course i have to make sure everything in the house is somewhat set up, and clean. His mom and dad are coming to see us shortly after he gets home, and i certainly don't want boxes everywhere when they get there. But i dont' want to spend the week hes home and on vacation unpacking either... UGH! so much to do!
The boys are doing well. Eli asks me every morning when is daddy coming home? hes so excited! and our Ayden is walking!!! Yep thats right, 10 months and walking!!! I can't believe how fast this first year has gone by. Seems like i just had him.... and my baby is so big now!
From what i hear, jamie is doing well, ready to be home but he's doing well. Hes going to be shocked when he sees how his boys have changed. I think thats the hardest part of deployment for us. he leaves and expects the boys to be the same when he comes back. With Eli it worked out pretty much like that, but with ayden, he was a baby when daddy left and now he's a little boy. Fortunately weve video taped him A LOT, so maybe daddy won't feel like his missed EVERYTHING.
WHy is it that when you want your kid to do something, they won't do it but when you aren't paying attention they do it.... Last night i was trying to get Ayden to say MAMA. He kept going mmmmm DAD and then laughing! little snot. He does say mama, but only when he WANTS something.... silly boy.
Well, today is the first beautiful day we've had in a while, so i think were going outside to enjoy it! Loves!
The boys are doing well. Eli asks me every morning when is daddy coming home? hes so excited! and our Ayden is walking!!! Yep thats right, 10 months and walking!!! I can't believe how fast this first year has gone by. Seems like i just had him.... and my baby is so big now!
From what i hear, jamie is doing well, ready to be home but he's doing well. Hes going to be shocked when he sees how his boys have changed. I think thats the hardest part of deployment for us. he leaves and expects the boys to be the same when he comes back. With Eli it worked out pretty much like that, but with ayden, he was a baby when daddy left and now he's a little boy. Fortunately weve video taped him A LOT, so maybe daddy won't feel like his missed EVERYTHING.
WHy is it that when you want your kid to do something, they won't do it but when you aren't paying attention they do it.... Last night i was trying to get Ayden to say MAMA. He kept going mmmmm DAD and then laughing! little snot. He does say mama, but only when he WANTS something.... silly boy.
Well, today is the first beautiful day we've had in a while, so i think were going outside to enjoy it! Loves!
Friday, August 22, 2008
1:34 pm. This is the time that my day seems to start going down hill everyday. This afternoon things seemed to be going really well. We had a great morning, my boys were up early, ate a good breakfast, got dressed well, were getting along well... Eli even killed a fly for me this morning!
Mom asked me if we wanted to come over for a barbeque, so i was heading out to run a couple of errands before heading to moms. I get to the end of my road, make a right turn and catch my back tire on the curb.... Now, mind you, i've done this a handful of times and each time i think, oh man, my tire just blew... this time, i didn't think much of it, till i heard the his... yes, windows down, music on driving on the road i could hear the hiss of the air coming out of my tire. In a matter of minutes it would be flat... SO i called mom and said do i dare drive over there or should i stay here... she said come over- they only live 3 minutes away- and your daddy will take it off for ya. So i go over there, no problems at all.
Then my day again gets better. Mom tells me i can go get Keenan from school. IN HER CAR. now, remember, my mom has a 2007 cherry red mustang convertible. While its not the fastest car out there, it is BEAUTIFUL! and boy was that fun to drive! I decided after driving it that i am now done having babies, i'll get a car instead :) okay, maybe im not THAT in love with the car, but it was still lots of fun none the less. Dad gets home, and says oh yeah, that just needs a patch job, only 25 bucks. SWEET! So dad tells me how to change a tire, and we put the spare on, then i go down to drop off my tire.... an hour later i found out that there is a hole in the side wall and i need a new tire! UGH! I am so NOT happy about this. Fortunately, they were pretty fast, i didn't have to have the ghetto donut on for more than a couple of hours. I keep telling myself, just be thankful that we HAD the money to get it fixed! I just feel like such an idiot because i should be used to these HUGE curbs that colorado feels the need to put everywhere.
The barbeque on the other hand was FANTASTIC! Daddy grilled some Baja Chipotle Chicken. i made a pasta salad, and some green beans. YUMMO! both the boys LOVED it! Yet another way they are like their daddy, they love spicy stuff!
After that eventful day i feel like i need a bath and a glass of wine, neither will i have tonight. The boys are out of their bath, Ayden is in his bed, i think sleeping. He was asleep when i put him down, but then he woke up and cried, so i made him a cup, and gave it to him. Course, he didn't want to have anything to do with that, but he's quiet again. Eli is sitting on the floor watching a veggie tale and drinking his milk. Not to long before today's crazy ride will be over, and the calm before the storm will be here again.
Mom asked me if we wanted to come over for a barbeque, so i was heading out to run a couple of errands before heading to moms. I get to the end of my road, make a right turn and catch my back tire on the curb.... Now, mind you, i've done this a handful of times and each time i think, oh man, my tire just blew... this time, i didn't think much of it, till i heard the his... yes, windows down, music on driving on the road i could hear the hiss of the air coming out of my tire. In a matter of minutes it would be flat... SO i called mom and said do i dare drive over there or should i stay here... she said come over- they only live 3 minutes away- and your daddy will take it off for ya. So i go over there, no problems at all.
Then my day again gets better. Mom tells me i can go get Keenan from school. IN HER CAR. now, remember, my mom has a 2007 cherry red mustang convertible. While its not the fastest car out there, it is BEAUTIFUL! and boy was that fun to drive! I decided after driving it that i am now done having babies, i'll get a car instead :) okay, maybe im not THAT in love with the car, but it was still lots of fun none the less. Dad gets home, and says oh yeah, that just needs a patch job, only 25 bucks. SWEET! So dad tells me how to change a tire, and we put the spare on, then i go down to drop off my tire.... an hour later i found out that there is a hole in the side wall and i need a new tire! UGH! I am so NOT happy about this. Fortunately, they were pretty fast, i didn't have to have the ghetto donut on for more than a couple of hours. I keep telling myself, just be thankful that we HAD the money to get it fixed! I just feel like such an idiot because i should be used to these HUGE curbs that colorado feels the need to put everywhere.
The barbeque on the other hand was FANTASTIC! Daddy grilled some Baja Chipotle Chicken. i made a pasta salad, and some green beans. YUMMO! both the boys LOVED it! Yet another way they are like their daddy, they love spicy stuff!
After that eventful day i feel like i need a bath and a glass of wine, neither will i have tonight. The boys are out of their bath, Ayden is in his bed, i think sleeping. He was asleep when i put him down, but then he woke up and cried, so i made him a cup, and gave it to him. Course, he didn't want to have anything to do with that, but he's quiet again. Eli is sitting on the floor watching a veggie tale and drinking his milk. Not to long before today's crazy ride will be over, and the calm before the storm will be here again.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Welcome to the Ride
I suppose there comes a time when its just time to set up a place where all can come to read about our crazy life. For me that time is today. This is your warning. Coming to our blog will let you into the up and downs, the highs and lows, the great times and the hard times of our lives. Through it all we WILL persevere. Being a military family you may be exposed to many things that you had no idea about. Please don't thank us for being a military family, or tell me your sorry that my husband is deployed. This is the life we have chosen, we know the risks, the challenges, the dangers and the difficult parts of it. We don't do it for you, we do it because this is what we feel God has for us at this time in our lives. With all that being said here we go!!!!
Jamie and I have been married for 3 years and 8 months. We have an incredible marriage, and I could not be happier with the man that God placed in my life. In those 3 years and 8 months we have had 2 beautiful baby boys. Elijah Edward is 2 years and 8 months- yes, he was born on our 1 year anniversary. And our little Ayden John graced us with his presence in October of last year. You will read much more about all of this as time goes on, but for now, thats all I'll say about the boys.
Jamie joined the navy in 2004 and we are currently stationed in Everett, WA. Though we only have another year there, it has been a great 3 years we've had there. God led us to an amazing church where we have been able to grow in our walks as individuals but also as a couple. After all, the couple that prays together, stays together!
Currently daddy is deployed, though we are counting down days until he is home. Eli is very excited about his daddy coming home, and tells people all the time that his daddy is on a big boat :) Ayden doesn't really get it yet... being 10 months all he's concerned about is when he's gonna get to nurse again and how to get away from his big brother who is chasing him around. We're in double digits now, so it won't be long until we are together as a family again.
Well, I believe this brings us up to date. I will do my best to blog daily, or at least weekly about the goings on in the Montgomery household. Love and blessings to all.
Jamie and I have been married for 3 years and 8 months. We have an incredible marriage, and I could not be happier with the man that God placed in my life. In those 3 years and 8 months we have had 2 beautiful baby boys. Elijah Edward is 2 years and 8 months- yes, he was born on our 1 year anniversary. And our little Ayden John graced us with his presence in October of last year. You will read much more about all of this as time goes on, but for now, thats all I'll say about the boys.
Jamie joined the navy in 2004 and we are currently stationed in Everett, WA. Though we only have another year there, it has been a great 3 years we've had there. God led us to an amazing church where we have been able to grow in our walks as individuals but also as a couple. After all, the couple that prays together, stays together!
Currently daddy is deployed, though we are counting down days until he is home. Eli is very excited about his daddy coming home, and tells people all the time that his daddy is on a big boat :) Ayden doesn't really get it yet... being 10 months all he's concerned about is when he's gonna get to nurse again and how to get away from his big brother who is chasing him around. We're in double digits now, so it won't be long until we are together as a family again.
Well, I believe this brings us up to date. I will do my best to blog daily, or at least weekly about the goings on in the Montgomery household. Love and blessings to all.
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