Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

What a pleasant surprise this years Christmas Season has brought. SNOW! We've lived here for 4 years now, and this is the first year that were actually going to have a WHITE Christmas in Seattle! The people are seriously crazy. Did you know that if you need the momentum in order to be able to pull out, you can go ahead and run that stop sign and pull out into oncoming traffic, because even tho its too slippery for YOU to go, I'LL be able to STOP on black ice.... GENIUS people we have living here, let me tell you!Daddy decided to not take any leave this time. He needs to go back to Alaska and renew his drivers license and since he gets a half day today (or was suppose to anyways) and tomorrow off, we decided that we'd just save up his time. So today, we delivered some goodies, daddy took some to the shop and then we took a box to our leasing office. Eli had so much fun helping decorate our carmel corn holders.  Now, daddy is off escorting some trouble maker to a court hearing, Ayden is taking a much needed afternoon nap, Eli is cuddled up on the couch watching "COPS" with very heavy eyes, and Mama SHOULD be doing her hair and make up, but instead Im on the computer being irritated because of a very rude response to a craigslist posting i received, and continually checking the status of the drums that we ordered 3 weeks ago, that should have been here over a week ago, but because of the weather, have been on hold in the oregon ups warehouse place for 3 days! The website says it should be here today... man i hope it is, Eli is going to  LOVE his drum set.... I guess if it doesn't come, it will be here by his birthday... Good thing he was late!Our plans for tonight... I can't decide what to make for dinner... Either Chili bread or Calzone, but either way, we'll eat an early dinner, let the boys open up their presents- 2 each, one of them is their matching jammies that they'll wear to bed tonight and then open their presents in them in the morning.  I love our matching jammie tradition. :) Their other present is the gift that the command gave us, Eli gets a remote control CAT tracker and Ayden gets a little people truck.  The boys will go to bed, and Daddy and I will stuff stockings, set up the drums (assuming they get here) set up ayden's ball pit, and put all the other presents under the tree. Then daddy and i will curl up, have dessert and watch a movie ( we love netflix)! I am so excited for the boys to open their presents this year! Having kids at Christmas is the best! Merry Christmas ya'll!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


After the fiasco at church last week, Jamie and I made the decision to keep our boys OUT of the nursery... Well, he's gone, and Im not sure what i was thinking braving it ALONE, but i went to church this morning, and needless to say, didn't hear much of the message. We made it thru praise and worship okay, but when Pastor started to talk, the boys thought they needed to talk too.... so we went and sat in the foyer... well tried anyways, and then the boys decided they wanted to play.... so of course i didn't hear much. Good think i can get it from iTunes!!!
PLUS, I was up at 2 this morning, throwing up. LOVELY. fortunatley the boys let me sleep in until 9 this morning, then i made them breakfast, laid on the couch and mustered up enough energy to make it to church. I've just laid around most of the afternoon, and the boys were very good for me. Now Ayden is sleeping :) he has decided he is a big boy now and goes to sleep with NO crying! AWESOME. and we've learned a trick to get eli to bed too. He isn't allowed to have a sippy cup ALL day, just his big boy cup. Its cut down on accidents AND gives him reason to get in bed! GO MOM! Now im going to lay on the couch and veg for the rest of the night, and hope that we do NO more throwing up......
Oh, and i finally got a tree yesterday... pictures to come!