Wednesday, June 10, 2009


We got home from alaska last weekend. I am very glad to be home. Having the boys back on their routine, and being able to take a shower and leave them to be free :) Now begins the chaos!!!

Jamie re enlists in 20 days, my daddy and brother get here the same day! they'll be here for a few days, then off to Canada for a few days, and then back to see us! Following their departure, we have movers coming the last week in july, so the two weeks before.... i have to get rid of all sorts of stuff, and take all my pictures off the walls, and take everything apart! Then August 1, assuming we do indeed get out movers here when we requested, we will move! Should be in Cali by the 3rd, and moving into a place asap after that!!! We were hoping to rent a HOUSE, but after checking the market, we will probably end up in a town house... we really want a pool and most of the rental houses don't have them. we'll see. Just going to pray and be patient :)

have lots to do today.... laundry is never caught up. Jamie should be home shortly, and i have Elli for a little bit this afternoon, and then its POOL TIME!!!!!

There are pictures of my alaska trip on facebook and on myspace if you care to look :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Awww, nap time in the Montgomery house. Usually Eli doesn't nap, but getting up at 4 in the morning, i guess he needed one. He was snuggling with mama on the couch and all of a sudden he was just OUT. Ayden too went down, he grabbed his cup and my hand and led me to his bed. hes so easy to put down. i wish that eli had been this easy... hes still not easy to get down.

We had kind of a relaxed day. just picking up a few things here and there, and planning dinner. we need to get the mothers day presents mailed out. they're already going to be late.... ugh, i even though about this EARLY this year. I have legos to pick up and some things to take care of. I really should get off the computer and get this stuff done.

My back is still hurting, i have an appointment next week. hopefully we can get something figured out so that im not in pain any more. J is still doing the commute, and hating it more every day. Hopefully he continues getting 3 day weekends. My mom was here last weekend. It was so great to have her here, but certainly not long enough! I miss being her neighbor. We leave for AK in just a couple weeks, and then the end of next month daddy and broha will be here. Im excited that baby brother and sissa will get to come down at thanksgiving because i REALLY miss them. Skype has been great, but not the same as BEING there all the time.

Dinner: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes (yes im MAKING both, i didn't buy frozen or boxed) and green beans.
After the boys bath hubby and i will watch a movie and hopfully have a little more time alone than we have the last couple nights.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

9,10, 2, 2, 3,1,1,1

9... the number of loads of laundry i had to wash today.... See, Saturday i usually wash our sheets, and do the boys at a different time during the week, but last night, both boys had accidents, so it ended up that i had to wash their sheets AGAIN today.....

10.... The number of loads of laundry i had to fold. I'm lazy, so for that reason, i had a dry load already finished and just waiting for me....

2..... The number of times I've run the dishwasher today

2.... the number of children i have been annoyed, frustrated, irritated and impatient with today

3.... the rooms in this house that STILL have work to be done... the playroom is somehow destroyed AGAIN, the boys room is clean, but could use a little extra attention, and our bedroom... well the bed has been stripped and i have clothes to take care of

1.... the number of floors that need to be vacuumed

1.... the number of floors i need to mop

1.... very tired mama!!!

The weekend thus far has been full of challenges. Yesterday we spent the day at the park. It was great. We tried a new park that is close to the house, and were pleasantly surprised. We frequent Green Lake, but its about a 30 minute drive without traffic, and lets face it, when living in Seattle, NO traffic just doesn't happen. We went for a drive last week and found the Bothell Park and finally were able to venture out to it. We took a walk around the.... stream? There were ducks and geese, and bugs.... The boys had a blast. Eli was chasing the geese around and Ayden was bawking at them. Life sure is never dull with these two hams around. Jamie had the day off work, so it was an extra special treat to be doing all of this with daddy. We also ran some errands yesterday, which enabled us to be able to stay home ALL day today... I don't think that we have had a day that we went absolutely no where in... years! Its been nice. We laid in bed while the boys watched cartoons this morning, then watched planet earth, and dozed while Ayden took his nap. Dinner was easy too.. Just did a left over 3 cheese baked pasta that i made a couple nights ago. Tonight I think we'll just finish up the laundry and the cleaning, play some super nintendo- thats what Jamie is doing now- give the boys their bath in an hour, then get them settled into bed just in time for J and I to enjoy some ice cream and another planet earth disc. Oh the joys of stay at home days!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The not so frequent update

I suppose a blog is only good if it is updated on a regular basis.... Therefore, I have made it my goal to update weekly. Maybe I can make Wednesday morning nap time, my blog time...

This week has been beautiful. Were talking shorts and tank tops, go to the park, stay outside all day kind of beautiful. The boys are just lovin it too! We have spent all of the last 2 days outside. Today isn't as nice, so I don't think we'll be out as much today, but maybe a little bit. I have a lot to get accomplished today, so we'll see what time permits and how well behaved the oldest of my children is.

We have received orders to Pt. Mugu, California. Jamie will reenlist in May, and we will transfer August 1. We are so excited about moving to california we can hardly stand it... August can't come soon enough! At this point, we will only be there 3 years, and then its on to bigger and better things- those bigger and better things shall be disclosed at a later date as NOTHING is ever "set in stone" with the military. ESPECIALLY when its a few years away. I have said it from the beginning, but Jamie has started to realize and come to terms with it... We are lifers. Of course, you all know MY opinion about that, and Jamie too is in agreement that we can't argue with what God has told us to do.

The boys are growing up so fast, Eli is talking so much better. Course, Im mama, so i've never had that much trouble understanding him, but everyone else can understand him too! YAY! He is a great help, cleaning up his toys, helpin mama with dishes and vacuuming and of course with his brother. The boys are great friends and while they do get on each others nerves, they really don't fight too much-not with each other anyways. They tend to gang up on me and become terrors, but hey, they're boys! Ayden is now potty training... Yep, thats right, my 18 month old BOY is potty training. Im not pushing it, but he wants to, so i am certainly encouraging it... he tells me when he has to go, and he doesn't always go, but he certainly tries! if he keeps this up, im hoping we'll have 2 boys potty trained by the time we transfer. Ayden talks in sentences now, my favorite is "i love you too" its just so cute!!! I can't believe how fast he's turned into a little boy.... I remember bringing him home from the hospital and Eli being infatuated with him.... and now... they're partners in crime! My mom always told me to enjoy them while they're young because i'll blink and they'll be married and having their own babies.... i didn't believe her.... but as always, she was right! Baby number 3 is no longer a topic of discussion. We may discuss it again in a year or so, but right now, were content with the 2 that we have.... and honestly, once they are both potty trained, i don't know how bad i'll want to start ALL OVER....

I have FINALLY decided that I'd like to have a career... Im going back to school for nursing. Ultimately, I want to be a labor and deliver nurse, but ANY kind of nurse is perfectly fine with me. Im excited about that new venture in life too. Things are just all around great, tho i can't say that Im surprised.... we serve an AWESOME God!

Jamie is still attached to the ship, which just recently got moved to Bremerton, so were doing the lovely commute everyday. this is the first week we've had to do it and Im already ready for it to be over... Getting up at 4:30 in the morning and having to pick him up 13 hours later isn't my idea of a great schedule. We will endure it for the duration of our time here.... this is when i wish he had his motorcycle :)

On our agenda today:

Empty and reload the dishwasher
Wash the boys bedding
Wash all our towels
Reorganize and Clean the playroom
Clean the sliding glass door
All the while keeping my sanity with the boys following me around asking if they can help!

Our Menu:

Oatmeal and Applesauce for breakfast
Egg salad sandwiches for lunch
Taco's for dinner :) the boys are super excited about taco night!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So, Im REALLY slacking on this whole blogging thing. Seems like my life has been a whirlwind and i rarely have time to just SIT at the computer.

Elijah Edward is now 3. And for some reason, the 3rd birthday has brought much disobedience, even more stubbornness, and a fondness for the word "no". I know that everyone says that 3 is worse than 2, but my child went from a great little boy who only had an occasional negative response to what mama was telling him to do, to one of those kids that you see in the grocery store crying and throwing a fit while the parent just lets them.... Now, i swore i would NEVER be that parent, ya know, the kind that lets their kids walk all over them.... but in this day and age, we can't punish out kids without having social services called on us, hell, we look at the kid harshly and its interpretted at abuse. If we LEAVE the store, then Eli gets what he wants, but if we stay Im embarrassed, I choose to stay, so that my child knows that he does not control what mommy does.... he doesn't throw these fits often, and im generally pretty good at distracting him and making him forget why he was upset in the first place, but im ready for this whole, im 3 and i know it stage to be done! Course, just as i have one coming OUT of that stage i'll have another entering it....

Ayden is getting so big. He has a totally different personality than his big brother. He's totally laid back, and easy going. Tho he is VERY opinionated. He is starting to defend himself against his brother, making him cry on more than one occassion. I can't believe how nurturing my little man is. I have a friend that has an 8 month old little girl. I expected Eli to be good with her, eli LOVES babies, and is really great with all that he has been around, but Ayden has never been around babies, he's always been the little guy.... Ever since Elli started hanging out with us he has gotten more and more loving. He gives her her pacifier back, tries to feed her, shares his toys, covers her with her blanket if she's laying on the floor.... hes' just very lovey. I have no doubt that he is going to be a great big brother when that time comes....

and yes, that time may be approaching. Jamie and i are talking about baby number 3. We would like to be settled in our next duty station, and know that J will be home for the entire pregnancy, as we've had no so great luck with him being around to watch the growing belly. It like im teeny one day, he leaves and when he comes back ive got a watermelon under my shirt. This will be the LAST baby we have, so we both want him to experience it with me. PLUS, im a GREAT pregnant lady, i know, weird, but my hormones seem to be balanced and im very pleasant when im growing babies :)

As far as our next duty station goes.... we don't know where were going yet... things are still in the works. We had a plan, but God changed OUR plans and we decided it was better to follow HIS plans :) Looks like we will be staying in the military, at least for a while, but where we go is still undecided, were trying for California, but won't know for about a month if we will be going there.

Lastly, we are swtiching to AT&T! so, if you have ATT, we can talk for free!!! YAY! our numbers will be the same, but we'll have new phones, that don't delete our texts every 5 minutes.... stupid crackberry..... I have a kitchen to clean, diaper to change, butts to wipe, donations to take care of, and a shower to take before my doctors appointment to check my IUD this afternoon.... Never a down moment in this crazy life!