Thursday, August 21, 2008

Welcome to the Ride

I suppose there comes a time when its just time to set up a place where all can come to read about our crazy life. For me that time is today. This is your warning. Coming to our blog will let you into the up and downs, the highs and lows, the great times and the hard times of our lives. Through it all we WILL persevere. Being a military family you may be exposed to many things that you had no idea about. Please don't thank us for being a military family, or tell me your sorry that my husband is deployed. This is the life we have chosen, we know the risks, the challenges, the dangers and the difficult parts of it. We don't do it for you, we do it because this is what we feel God has for us at this time in our lives. With all that being said here we go!!!!

Jamie and I have been married for 3 years and 8 months. We have an incredible marriage, and I could not be happier with the man that God placed in my life. In those 3 years and 8 months we have had 2 beautiful baby boys. Elijah Edward is 2 years and 8 months- yes, he was born on our 1 year anniversary. And our little Ayden John graced us with his presence in October of last year. You will read much more about all of this as time goes on, but for now, thats all I'll say about the boys.

Jamie joined the navy in 2004 and we are currently stationed in Everett, WA. Though we only have another year there, it has been a great 3 years we've had there. God led us to an amazing church where we have been able to grow in our walks as individuals but also as a couple. After all, the couple that prays together, stays together!

Currently daddy is deployed, though we are counting down days until he is home. Eli is very excited about his daddy coming home, and tells people all the time that his daddy is on a big boat :) Ayden doesn't really get it yet... being 10 months all he's concerned about is when he's gonna get to nurse again and how to get away from his big brother who is chasing him around. We're in double digits now, so it won't be long until we are together as a family again.

Well, I believe this brings us up to date. I will do my best to blog daily, or at least weekly about the goings on in the Montgomery household. Love and blessings to all.

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