Saturday, September 6, 2008

We have LEASAGE! :)

Whew! What a day. Sometimes i am really guilty of saying "i know that i need to give it to God, but i just cant." its funny how much of a control freak i am. I don't thikn im really that bad, but then situations like the one i was faced with this last week come up and i realize how self dependant i am, rather than God dependant. And i ask myself why. I am working on this on a daily basis and am striving to be more God dependant. Ask me about it next time we talk, it'll put me back in place :)

So, as you know, we were very excited to be moving into The Reserve. Unfortunatly, i was given some bad information, and decided that it was not the place for us. I again went on the search for the place that we should be. Well, i found a GREAT place in Bothell. Its a 3 bedroom, 2 bath- which jamie and i REALLY wanted- and is MUCH bigger than anything that we've lived in before or anything that we had looked at. So i went ahead and found out some information, and did apply for it yesterday morning. This morning i received a call that we got approved and he could even fed ex me the lease so that we could have it off the market! That means, we will have an address this week! Its funny that the ONE apartment i decided i better talk to God about is the one He gave us..... And people deny the power of prayer.....
here is the link the our NEW HOME for those that are interested :) Our floor plan is the MADRONA and we move in on the 27th!

We ran around with Gramma today to get some stuff for the house, then we went to church. Unfortunately, Ayden was not into being without mama tonight, so i ended up having to go get him about 30 minutes into the service. But then i got my BABY fix, since we officially have a toddler on our hands! Ayden is walking around like he's been doing it all his life. He's getting so big! He has a mouth full of teeth, he claps and has a couple of signs, says MAMA, DADA, BUBBA, GO, and VROOM. he LOVES cars :) He and his big brother get along very well. Eli taught him how to get off the couch, and he is very proud of that :) He is just fantastic with him. Patient, and understanding, Eli is my little translater.... he knows what ayden wants just about everytime he whines. Having these boys 22 months apart has been a huge blessing, and i couldn't be happier. God really is Good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Thats all.

SO happy for you!!!